Pfeffer Chiropractic & Concussion Clinic, PA


Responsible for Something Good

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“I’m glad I’m responsible for something good.” That was Adele Samuelson’s response when asked about her sense of humor that has been passed down through the generations. In fact, several generations. Adele is a great-great-grandmother, and she’s 108. Ask anyone who knows her and they will tell you that Adele is responsible for many good things. She’s led a remarkable life, and has a great deal to show for it, including her healthy longevity.


In her early life, Adele sailed to Palestine from Durban, South Africa on a Polish ship carrying Italian prisoners of war. She then took the train to Kubbutz Kfar Blum in Haifa where she spent a year before reluctantly returning to South Africa. She and her husband Skea, whom she married in 1945, spent a great deal of time enjoying the outdoors – even spending their honeymoon camping.


After raising two daughters and enjoying many grandchildren together, Skea died in 1992, and Adele went to work – at the age of 66. She relocated to Israel to be with her daughters and their families, and became the secretary to three presidents of Tel Aviv University. She retired at the age of 84.

In addition to her sense of humor, Adele was good with her hands, sewing clothing for her family. She also enjoyed cooking and singing – which she still enjoys.


Her daughters are quick to comment on Adele’s positive nature. Look to the good side, don’t be negative, no complaining! Adele’s sincere interest in people has gained her a reputation as a deeply caring person with sage advice. That sounds like living at 100% for 100 years…or rather 108 and counting. Adele is providing her family with true generational wealth – knowledge and experience. She’s an amazing living legacy, with no signs of stopping, or even slowing down.
Curious about Adele’s secrets to living an amazing life? Keep reading.

The post Responsible for Something Good appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.

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